way to teach kid to skate

What is The Best Way to Teach a Child to Skate?

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Teaching skateboarding to kids is an important aspect of their physical and personal development. It provides opportunities for physical activity, creativity, coordination, balance, and confidence building. But how should they be taught?

To me, the best way to teach kids to skateboard is to start with basic techniques, practice regularly with encouragement and support, and progress gradually to more advanced skills. It is also important to ensure that they have the proper gear and a positive attitude towards learning. In this article, i will be talking about more on this topic.

Must Read: Whether Skateboarding is Good or bad for Kids?

Importance of Proper Gear

When it comes to learning to skateboard, it is important to make sure that children have the proper gear. Not only does this make the experience safer, but it also helps to ensure that they have the right tools to learn and progress effectively. In this post, we will discuss the importance of protective gear, the role of skateboards in learning, and how to choose the right size of skateboard.

Explanation of Protective Gear

Protective gear is a crucial aspect of skateboarding, especially for children who are just starting to learn. The most essential pieces of protective gear include a helmet, elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards. 

A helmet is essential to protect the head from injury and is the most important piece of protective gear. Elbow and knee pads are important to protect the joints, which are particularly vulnerable to injury in skateboarding. Wrist guards help to prevent wrist injuries and are also important for children learning to skateboard.

The Role of Skateboards in Learning to Skate

Skateboards play a vital role in the process of learning to skate. When choosing a skateboard, it is important to make sure that it is the right size and weight for the child. A smaller skateboard is easier to control, making it a better choice for children who are just starting to learn. It is also important to choose a skateboard that is durable and well-constructed so that it will last and be able to withstand the rigors of learning to skate.

Choosing the Right Size of Skateboards

Choosing the right size and kind of skateboard is essential for children who are learning to skateboard. The ideal size of a skateboard for a child depends on several factors, including the child’s height, weight, and skill level.

For example, a child who is just starting to learn should choose a smaller skateboard that is easier to control, while a more experienced child may prefer a larger skateboard that provides more stability. It is important to choose a skateboard that fits the child properly and provides enough space for the feet to be placed comfortably on the deck.

Basic Techniques for Learning to Skate

Learning to skateboard can be a fun and exciting experience for kids, but it can also be challenging. By starting with basic techniques, children can build the foundation they need to progress to more advanced skills. In this section, we will discuss two important basic techniques for learning to skateboard: balancing on the skateboard and gliding on the skateboard.

Balancing on Skateboards

Balancing on a skateboard is one of the most important skills to master when learning to skateboard. Children should start by standing on the skateboard and trying to balance as they would on their feet. They can practice by standing with their feet parallel and then shifting their weight from one foot to the other to find their balance. Once they are comfortable with standing, they can try moving their feet slightly to maintain their balance.

Gliding on Skateboards

Once children have learned to balance on the skateboard, they can start to work on gliding. To start, they can push off with one foot and then coast for a short distance. They should focus on maintaining their balance as they glide, keeping their knees bent and their weight centered over the skateboard. With practice, they can work on building their speed and distance as they glide.

By starting with basic techniques like balancing and gliding, children can build the foundation they need to progress to more advanced skills. As they continue to practice and master these basics, they will develop the confidence and coordination they need to skateboard with ease. Additionally, they will have fun while doing it and gain a sense of accomplishment as they learn and grow.

Stopping on Skates

Teaching kids the basic technique of stopping the skateboard is an important part of their learning process. Here are some steps to help them learn how to stop the skateboard effectively:

  1. Introduce the Braking Foot: Teach them to place one foot (usually the back foot) on the ground to slow down and eventually stop the skateboard. This foot will be used as the braking foot.
  2. Encourage Weight Shift: Encourage the child to shift their weight over the braking foot as they slow down, allowing for more control and a smoother stop.
  3. Practice Scuffing: Show them how to “scuff” the ground with the braking foot to slow down the skateboard. They can start by dragging their foot lightly on the ground, then gradually increasing pressure as they slow down.
  4. Encourage Knee Bend: Make sure they keep their knees bent while braking, as this will help them maintain their balance and control.
  5. Practice Stopping in Different Situations: Encourage them to practice stopping the skateboard in different scenarios, such as when they are moving slowly or at high speeds. This will help them build confidence and refine their technique.
  6. Gradual Stopping: Teach them to stop gradually, rather than abruptly. This helps to prevent them from losing balance and falling.

By following these steps, children can learn to stop the skateboard effectively and safely. With practice, they will be able to stop smoothly and confidently and can move on to more advanced skills.

Progressive Learning

Progressive learning in skating refers to a step-by-step approach to help beginners develop their skills and confidence in skates.

Building Confidence on Skates

  • Start with proper gear fitting to ensure safety and comfort
  • Practice balancing on skates while stationary
  • Gradually progress to moving on skates while holding onto a rail or wall
  • Work on stopping and starting, building up stamina and control
  • Practice basic turns and transitions

Introducing Forward and Backward Skating

  • Once confident on skates, start with simple exercises to practice forward and backward movements
  • Gradually build up speed and control
  • Practice maintaining balance while moving forward and backward
  • Add turns, stops, and other basic skills to their repertoire

The goal of this approach is to build up confidence and skill in a controlled and safe environment, allowing the learner to progress at their own pace.

Importance of Practicing Regularly

  • Consistent practice helps to reinforce skills and movements
  • Improves muscle memory, making movements more fluid and automatic
  • Allows for correction of mistakes and refinement of skills

Breaking down Skills into Manageable Parts

  • Breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable parts makes learning easier
  • Allows learners to focus on one aspect of the skill at a time
  • Enables them to gradually build up their skills and confidence

These concepts are related to teaching kids to skateboard in the following way:

  • Skateboarding, like any other sport or activity, requires consistent practice and repetition to develop and improve skills
  • Breaking down tricks and moves into smaller parts can help kids learn more effectively
  • Regular practice helps them master each part of the trick before putting it all together.

By utilizing the principles of practice and repetition and breaking down skills into manageable parts, kids can progress at their own pace, building up their skills and confidence on the skateboard.

Encouraging Persistence and Patience

Encouraging kids to have persistence and patience in learning skateboarding has several benefits:

  1. Improves self-esteem: By overcoming challenges and persevering through difficulties, kids develop a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities. This boost in self-esteem can transfer to other areas of their life.
  2. Enhances problem-solving skills: Skateboarding involves learning new tricks and overcoming obstacles. By practicing and trying different approaches, kids develop their problem-solving skills and become more creative.
  3. Builds resilience: Learning a new skill, especially one that involves falls and setbacks, can be frustrating. Encouraging persistence and patience helps kids build resilience and the ability to handle challenges and setbacks in a positive way.
  4. Develops discipline: Consistent practice and patience are key components of learning any new skill. By encouraging kids to persevere, they develop discipline and the ability to stick with a task until it is completed.
  5. Leads to success: Skateboarding, like any other sport, takes time and effort to master. Encouraging kids to persist and be patient in their learning can lead to greater success in the long run.

Overall, encouraging persistence and patience in kids’ skateboarding learning helps them develop important life skills and can lead to greater success and enjoyment in their skateboarding pursuits.

Building a Positive attitude towards Learning to Skate

Building a positive attitude towards learning to skate among kids requires the following steps:

  1. Set goals that is achievable: Setting small, achievable goals can help kids feel a sense of accomplishment and build confidence as they progress.
  2. Celebrate success: Celebrating small victories along the way can help kids stay motivated and feel positive about their learning process.
  3. Encourage exploration: Encouraging kids to try new tricks, experiment with different styles, and explore the sport can help them develop a love for skateboarding.
  4. Foster a supportive environment: Providing a supportive environment where kids feel safe to take risks, try new things, and make mistakes can help build a positive attitude towards learning.
  5. Lead by example: Demonstrating a positive attitude, encouraging words, and a love for the sport can have a contagious effect on kids and help them develop a positive attitude towards learning.
  6. Focus on the process, not just the outcome: Reminding kids that skateboarding is a journey and that they should focus on enjoying the process of learning, not just the outcome, can help foster a positive attitude towards learning.
  7. Provide opportunities for social interaction: Skateboarding can be a social activity, and kids can benefit from interacting with other skateboarders. Providing opportunities for kids to skate with others can help build a positive attitude towards the sport.

By adopting these strategies, parents, coaches, and mentors can help build a positive attitude towards learning to skate among kids and help them develop a love for the sport.

Offering Praise and Encouragement to Kids

 Offering praise and encouragement to kids as they learn to skateboard can have a positive impact on their motivation and self-esteem. Here are some ways to do so:

  1. Specific and sincere: Offer specific and sincere praise for their efforts, achievements, and improvements. Instead of generic compliments, focus on what they did well and what they have accomplished.
  2. Positive reinforcement: Reinforce positive behaviors and attitudes by acknowledging and praising their hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
  3. Encouragement: Offer words of encouragement to help kids stay motivated and positive even when they face challenges or setbacks.
  4. Recognition: Recognize their progress and improvements, no matter how small they may seem. This helps kids feel proud of what they have accomplished and keeps them motivated to continue.
  5. Celebrate successes: Celebrate their successes and milestones, no matter how big or small, to help build their confidence and keep them motivated.
  6. Offer support: Offer support and encouragement when they try new tricks, take risks, and push themselves outside their comfort zones.
  7. Be a role model: Lead by example by demonstrating a positive attitude, a love for the sport, and a growth mindset.

By offering praise and encouragement in these ways, you can help kids feel confident and motivated as they learn to skateboard and build a positive attitude towards the sport.

Making the Learning Experience Fun and Enjoyable

Making the skateboard learning experience fun and enjoyable for kids can be achieved through the following steps:

  1. Keep it light: Skateboarding should be a fun and enjoyable experience, not a chore. Encourage kids to have a good time, laugh, and have fun while they learn.
  2. Make it interactive: Incorporate games and activities that allow kids to have fun while they practice and learn new skills.
  3. Vary the environment: Mix up the learning experience by taking kids to different skateparks, streets, and obstacles to keep things fresh and interesting.
  4. Encourage creativity: Encourage kids to try new tricks, experiment with different styles, and express themselves creatively through their skateboarding.
  5. Foster a supportive community: Surround kids with positive and supportive skateboarders who can provide encouragement and advice. Skateboarding can be a social activity, and kids can benefit from interacting with others.
  6. Incorporate rewards: Offer rewards and incentives for progress and milestones to help keep kids motivated and engaged.
  7. Emphasize the joy of learning: Emphasize the joy of learning and the sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering new tricks and skills.

By incorporating these strategies, you can help make the skateboard learning experience fun and enjoyable for kids and foster a love for the sport.


In conclusion, teaching a child to skateboard requires patience, persistence, and a positive attitude. The best way to teach a child to skateboard involves building confidence, introducing the basics, breaking down skills into manageable parts, practicing regularly, and incorporating games and activities to make the learning experience fun and enjoyable. 

It’s also important to offer praise and encouragement, set achievable goals, celebrate success, and foster a supportive environment where kids feel safe to take risks and make mistakes. By adopting these strategies, parents, coaches, and mentors can help kids develop a positive attitude towards learning to skateboard and build a love for the sport. 

Skateboarding is not only a fun and exciting activity, but it can also provide children with valuable life skills such as coordination, balance, and self-confidence.

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