How to Warm Up Before Skateboarding? [Some Easy Exercises]

How to Warm Up Before Skateboarding? [Some Easy Exercises]

Skateboarding is a fun and exciting sport that requires a lot of physical exertion and skill. However, like any physical activity, skateboarding can also lead to injuries if not done properly. That’s why it’s important to warm up properly before getting on your board. A proper warm-up routine can help increase blood flow to your…

Is Skateboard a Vehicle? [All You Need to Know]

Is Skateboard a Vehicle? [All You Need to Know]

Skateboarding has been a popular recreational activity for decades, and many people use it as a form of transportation. But, is a skateboard a vehicle? The answer is not as clear-cut as one might think.  Some argue that skateboards have wheels and are propelled by human power, making them a form of transportation and therefore…

How to Make a Doll Skateboard? [Simple & Easy Steps to Follow]

How to Make a Doll Skateboard? [Simple & Easy Steps to Follow]

Do you want to make a doll skateboard that’s unique and customized to your liking? In this guide, we’ll show you how to build a mini skateboard from scratch, including creating the deck, adding the wheels and trucks, and decorating it to make it your own. Whether you’re a collector, a crafter, or just looking…

Difference Between Park and Street Skateboarding!

Difference Between Park and Street Skateboarding!

Park skateboarding and street skateboarding are two different types of skateboarding with distinct environments and features. Park skateboarding takes place in skateparks and is safer and more predictable, while street skateboarding takes place in urban environments and is typically more challenging and unpredictable.  Tony Hawk is an example of a professional skateboarder who specializes in…