How to get better at skateboarding

How to Get Better At Skateboarding? (Tips, Techniques & Videos)

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Getting better at skateboarding

Skating is exciting, at the same time it’s a bit tricky too. That’s why most of the beginner skateboarders ask how to get better at skateboarding?

Well, the best answer is: practice more.

The more you practice, the more it will be easier for you to skate in a better way. You can watch videos, follow the skilled skaters, read books and articles for improving your skateboarding tricks.

Besides, Here I am going to share a number of simple tips and techniques (with videos) that will help improve your overall skateboarding ride.

Let’s begin:

Books Can Help Perform Well At Skateboarding

Books are great friends. If you want to have a better understanding of anything, read books on that topic. Skateboarding has some popular books written by famous writers and skateboarders.

These books will give you the basic idea of skateboarding. Also, you will learn the tips and tricks that the professionals adopt and the biographies of the expert skateboarders that will give you a ton of motivation.

Interested? Well, read the review of some best books on skateboarding and pick one for you. Start reading, that will definitely improve your overall skateboarding thought and performance.

How to Improve At Skateboarding?

Improving your skateboarding skill is quite a bit challenging if you are a novice. But, in reality, it’s really a piece of cake. You just need to stay calm and go for the following steps with simple tricks to learn by your heart.

Watch Videos

Yes, you need to watch videos related to skating to inspire yourself. This watching may help you a lot when you feel down for not performing well. And, It’ll definitely bring you on the right track again soon. 

Related: Better Ways To Stop A Skateboard

The video is not enough, believe me. Read below:

Learn the Basic

The first and foremost step is to master the basics. You just need to learn the proper manner to go for skateboarding such as how to push or how to slow down etc.

The most common mistake is to adopt the professional-level techniques from the beginning. Rather Start slowly and develop gradually and then go to the real field or even harder track.

Start by the Balancing

Of course, you should learn the balance that makes things even easier to go for any method. Just balance on top of your skateboard while riding the wheels slowly. You can also try leaning forward and backward or sideways to get a perfect balance.

Steadily Built-Up

You should apply each and every trick at a slow pace. Steadily, build up your improvement in skating. Just take a chill pill. Do practice but not by pushing hard. Instead of that, try any tricks little by little.  

Stop Steeping Up

Another thing to notice for improving your skating skill is to stop steeping up or obsessing. It is okay not to get perfect in all techniques. So, don’t push yourself until you learn it. Rather, try to move on to other steps.

Don’t Try the Mongo Method

Let’s be honest, the mongo style is all skater’s favorite thing. Yet, I prefer not to do that as it takes more time and energy. Yet, if you want to do it, you have to practice really hard.

Go Away From Your Comfort Area

 Do you know what to do when you just skate on the street or do some mini ramp? It’s high time to go away from your comfort zone. Staying in one skateboarding style doesn’t help to improve your skill. So, try different techniques to achieve your goal.

Progress Your Style

When you are done with upper steps, you may need to progress your style of skating. Now, how can it be possible? The answer is to train yourself by using your phone to make a video. By doing that method, you can easily monitor yourself and decide if it’s progressing or not.

Exercise & Practice!

We all know skateboarding is all about using core strength and getting the balance. However, with a little bit of exercise, you can achieve your target fast. Try some light yet effective exercise, which may increase your body muscles for balance. Do 20 minutes of free-hand exercise before the run and see the result.

Skateboarding Techniques

Skating may seem difficult for its techniques. There are easy tricks and tips to get the right skateboarding techniques at ease.  So, read down below to catch a few techniques of them:

Tick-Tacking Technique

This technique is highly appreciated if you are at high speed. With the skillful balance, you should stand and move your skateboard wheel up. Then, it’ll show you naturally the tick-tack trick. It helps to improve your agility while skating.

If you watch this video, you can learn the technique very well.

Kick-Flip Technique

This technique is perfect for a beginner skater to try.. It needs your skateboard wheel to lift up while raising it at the nose. It should be 180° from the ground. Then, turn quickly and accurately to approach better.

A quick video will be perfect for learning this technique well.

Manual Technique

After getting the tick-tack trick, go for the manual technique. You need to practice moving your skateboard wheels either front or back. This trick gives the perfect ways to build your balance on the skateboard. Even though it takes time to get, you’ll ultimately win this move over the practice.

Grinds Technique

This is better to be done by professionals. It needs 50 by 50 grinds to approach at the rail or ledge landing with two trucks on the border of the rail or ledge. In this technique, you should balance your body to stand on the rail. 

Get more insights on the Grinds technique from this video.

How to Get Comfortable On a Skateboard? 

Feeling comfortable on skating gives the best result on performance. A novice should learn to get comfortable on a skateboard. Here are the few tricks:

Find Out Your Comfortable Stance 

You should balance a skateboard in your preferred stance. That’ll make your skating skill improve without sacrificing comfort. 

Change Your Move While Standing

 To work on your comfort, try to shift the skateboard while standing on it. You’ll find direction in the comfortable position to shift your weights.

Practice on level Land

 You should practice on the level of land while you feel ready on balancing a skateboard. Just put one leg on a skateboard and one leg on land to push for moving forward.  

Turn the Board with Your Heel and Toe

To get comfortable, you should try turning the board with your heel and toe. Just shift your weight faintly on one side while skating. 

Use High-Quality Shoe and Skateboard

A quality skateboard and shoe give the feel of comfort while skating. So, try wearing shoes and skateboard made with good quality materials.

However, if you want to enjoy skating at night, you need to be more careful about the risks associated with it and make sure you skate in bright roads or parks. (Read this article)

Ending Words: Don’t Get Scared!

Skating is a fun sport to play with your closed one at any time. It needs creativity and some knowledge to get better on it. Also, you shouldn’t be scared or terrified of the output.  

Just stick to one track and follow it until you get the result. As a whole, try to do some research via YouTube to learn better ways.  Therefore, I hope this guide helps you to find how to get better at skateboarding and hope you improve your skills. Good luck!

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